Monday, December 16, 2013

Week 7

This week for our 20% project we haven't really done much as of updating and keeping track of what we have been doing for baseball. But as of Savanna Baseball we were getting ready for a Winter League game against Sonora for the second game against them. We have been working hard everyday getting ready for that game. It was on Saturday the same day as Savanna Baseball was selling Christmas trees as a fundraiser, but coach let us know right that our game was going to be cancelled due to the heavy rain. But the fundraiser keep going and put a easy up to block the rain from getting in the way. The fundraiser was pretty successful. Now we are working hard getting ready for the next Winter League game.  

Week 6

This week for the 20% my partner Mario Figueroa and i have created our blog for Savanna Baseball. We will update the blog soon and put all the scores and games that we have had in our Winter League. Our games against Sonora, La Habra and Western. Also this week Mario and i took some photos of the field that is over seeded getting ready for the new fresh grass to come ready for season. We also took a picture of the baseball program in action doing what we do on a normal day at practice improving our skills. I haven't been updating all my blogs do for the weeks that there do but now i am catching up on all of there so you know whats going on with Savanna Baseball. I apologize for my late work and thank you for being patient and waiting for me to catch up. My new blog of the week to come will come out next week.  

Week Five

This week we didn't really do much towards our 20% project. We took a picture of some of the guys walking out of practice after a long hard day of drills, work, and to increase our talent. The pitchers threw bullpen to get ready for our up coming game against Sonora for a winter league game. And of course the catchers caught them. The rest of the team took batting practice, and separated into three groups. One group hit off the tee and soft toss, another hit live with coach pitching, and the last group was shagging the balls hit by the group hitting live.   Each swing every step the coaches looked at our mechanics and fixed them if something was wrong with it and made sure we took good hard swings. Then after the baseball part coach took us to the weight room to lift and gain muscle. Each day we are improving our skills and working hard to get ready for season. To be the best we can possibly be.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

week 2

This week Mario and i talked about actually making the the blog for Savanna Baseball. We asked coach after practice on Thursday if were allowed to make a blog about Savanna Baseball. He gave us permission to create one. We took a few pictures of the team and how we do our daily routine. We thought about a few ideas about how we are actually going to start the website. Like this month at practice we have just been playing catch, and doing some fielding drill. Yesterday we separated in our teams as in the Winter league Squad and we played 21 outs, which basically is as if were playing a game but coach hits the ball and we make the played without making errors.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

First week

For the first week for the 20% Project me and my partner Mario Figueroa thought about some ideas for what to make our 20% Project about. We thought and thought untill we got a great idea. We decided to do our 20%project on Savanna Baseball. So once we decided what to do our 20% project on we had to do our proposal. We had to do it on google docs and had to answer some questions about our projects and had to get into details. So if your wondering, "what you mean Savanna Baseball". Well we are going to keep you track about everyday things and what we practice on. We will also show the improvements and keep you updated on our season and who wins and how many runs and things like that. We also have to create a blog that will show those things so whenever you want you can check it out.